MINI Engine Misfire

Reasons Why Your Mini’s Timing Chain May Be Rattling From Trained Technicians in Las Vegas

Mini Coopers are reputed for their high performance, durability, exceptional endurance, and compact design. However, the MINI has a history of faulty timing chains, so you should pay special attention to how much wear your timing chain experiences and have…
Mini Cooper Car

How to Detect Mushrooming Shock Towers in Your Mini

Owners of Mini Coopers have reported 5 problems related to the strut tower or “shock tower”. This piece is known by many names: strut tower, strut bar, strut brace, and strut tower brace. Its function is to connect front or…
MINI Coolant Hose

Issues Associated with the Coolant Hose in a MINI

All vehicles run into problems and part malfunctions over time. This is a typical part of the wear and tear that comes with driving, even with a high-quality car like a MINI. One of the issues you may be facing…
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