
Volvo has been known for its powerful and fast cars since it began manufacturing them in 1927. When you own a Volvo, there are times when you may experience starting problems. The most common issues with these cars usually relate to the battery and electrical system. Let’s dig deeper into the reasons why your Volvo won’t start when you turn the key and what you should do when this happens.

The Usual Causes of Starting Issues in Volvo

  • Dirty Fuel Injectors: Fuel injectors are small nozzles that atomize fuel by pressurizing it and spraying it through a small needle valve into the engine intake manifold. They are prone to carbon buildup over time, which can restrict the amount of fuel they spray or even cause them to stop working altogether. If you hear a clicking noise when you turn the key or if your engine will not turn over, dirty fuel injectors may be to blame.
  • Battery: Your battery is perhaps the most important element of your car’s electrical system. If it is out of juice or if it is dead, your car won’t start. If it isn’t working properly, you may have trouble getting your engine to start and keeping it running. If this happens, you’ll need to replace the battery as soon as possible so that you can get back on the road again.
  • Starter Motor Relay: The starter motor relay is a device that sends power from the battery to the starter motor when you turn the ignition key. If this relay fails or burns out, it can prevent your car from starting properly or at all. This relay is located behind the dashboard on most Volvos, so it may be difficult to access if you aren’t a mechanic.
  • Faulty Ignition Switch: The ignition switch is a key component in getting your car started because it controls the power supply throughout the entire vehicle while also controlling other components such as the airbags and lights.
  • Alternator: The alternator is responsible for taking mechanical energy from the engine to create electrical energy for charging the battery and running accessories like the lights, stereo, and so on. When it fails, electrical problems are experienced in all systems, not just starting issues.
  • Terminal connections: Even if your battery terminals are clean and free from dirt, you may still face adequate current flow problems because of loose terminal connections. For this purpose, you need to check the terminal connections and make sure they are secure and tight enough.
  • Low Fuel Pressure: Fuel pressure is essential to keeping a car running properly. If you have low fuel pressure, there will not be enough fuel running through the engine and it will cause it to start running poorly or not run at all. Low fuel pressure can also cause your check engine light to turn on which means it’s time for service.
  • Faulty Compression: Compression is what keeps your car running smoothly. If you have low compression, this can lead to poor or non-existent performance. A compression test can be done by a mechanic who will use a gauge to measure how much pressure each cylinder is creating when they fire.
  • Bad Spark Plugs: Spark plugs ignite fuel and air in the engine, which causes it to run properly. A bad spark plug may cause you to have trouble starting your vehicle or even cause it to stall while in use.

Where to Take Your Volvo to Get it Serviced

At European Motor Cars Nevada, we’re reputed for delivering high-quality auto repair and auto repair services to European motor car owners in Summerlin, Spring Valley, and Las Vegas for over 30 years. We are well-equipped with world-class tools and technology that complement our highly-skilled technicians.

If your Volvo requires any repairs, maintenance, or diagnosis, be assured you have come to the right place to get all your auto troubles fixed, on time, and of the highest quality. We are experts in repairing and maintaining high-end luxury vehicles, and we have the tools and manpower to back it up. Simply give us a call at (702) 367-7140 or visit our shop today to have your auto repair done with us with no hassle at affordable rates.

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